Lenten Schedule
March 5 is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent. Starting March 5 and through the season of Lent, Wednesday Evening worship services will be in-person at 6:30pm every Wednesday. For those unable to Read more…
Trinity Lutheran church is located in the vibrant downtown Vine Neighborhood of Kalamazoo. ALL are welcome to join us for Sunday Worship and the various activities we have going throughout the year!
Our Sunday Services are at 8:30 and 11:00AM; the 8:30 Service is live-streamed on our YouTube channel. The Church Office is open Monday – Thursday from 9AM – 2PM. **Please call ahead if you wish to come down to make sure someone will be available!**
We have a Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry open every Tuesday from 11Am – 1PM.
We have a FREE Clothes Closet open from 10Am – 2PM Tuesdays except the last Tuesday of every month.
March 5 is Ash Wednesday and marks the beginning of Lent. Starting March 5 and through the season of Lent, Wednesday Evening worship services will be in-person at 6:30pm every Wednesday. For those unable to Read more…
“I love you, Lord, my strength; O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my Savior; my God, my rock where I take refuge; my shield, my saving strength, my stronghold.” Read more…
The church office hours are Monday – Thursday from 9am -2pm. There will occasionally be need for flexibility with those hours, so please call ahead if you wish to come down to make sure someone Read more…
All Sunday School classes being in full on September 15 from 9:45-10:45! • Adult Bible Study will be in the Lounge with Pr. Ken. The class will be based on the writings and teaching of Read more…
Trinity has always been active in sharing the love of God with our neighbors. This includes a long history of care for Refugee families including things like food and clothing drives, direct assistance, and even Read more…
Men’s Bible Study will continue to meet every other week, Wednesday mornings at 7am. We will be serving a light breakfast each time. We meet @ 7:00 AM, and try to finish around 8:00 AM. Read more…
The Trinity Clothes Closet is open every Tuesday from 10am – 2pm, except the last Tuesday of the month. We serve all individuals and families on a self-declared need basis free of charge. We have Read more…